Why the Truth COVID is Fully Treatable Campaign?

We are our brother’s keepers: we care about the welfare of our families, friends, neighbors, community, city, state and nation! As such, this website is an integrated, directional source of information designed to inform and educate citizenry of COVID-19 early treatment protocols developed by independent doctors and medical associations who have successfully treated COVID-19 patients—reducing infection, spread, symptom severity, hospitalization and death. These brave professionals have stood up against medical tyranny at great cost and we are fortunate to leverage their professional experience to help all members of our community by sharing information that is being systematically censored at the peril of humanity. Inexpensive, effective drugs used in these protocols have kept loved ones alive and well. Be empowered by being informed and educated with uncensored information that promotes truth–countering the narrative stoking fear; stripping you of our unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and resulting in unnecessary death of your loved ones…

Consider and Decide:

• Why has Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo chosen Florida to be the first to recommend against mRNA injections for healthy children?
• How is it possible for countries with the highest COVID shot rates to report higher hospitalization rates among the “vaccinated” patients while the U.S. reports the opposite?
• Why has a Florida Health analysis compiled from various data sources revealed an 84 percent increase in cardiac-related adverse events among males 18-39 years old, with a modest increase in death after injections?
• Why were there more COVID deaths in 2021 with COVID shots than in 2020 without them?
• If the Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen shots are so effective, why are boosters required?
• Why did the Center for Disease Control change the definition of a vaccine from “producing immunity”?
• When did questioning hypotheses and analyzing data become “anti-science”?
• What is the true risk-benefit to children–related to risk of dying from COVID versus gene-therapy shots?
• Why are the pharmaceutical manufacturers exempt from liability?
• Why should drugs or shots that only used the manufacturer’s internal safety data be trusted?
• Why do COVID shots only reduce hospitalization in the U.S. and not in other nations?
• Why is natural immunity downplayed?
• Since Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine work, why not use them?
• Are the COVID shots as safe as other vaccines?
• How much weight should be given to studies provided by those having conflicts of interest?
• When did it become legal for doctors and government officials to promote shots under emergency use authorization?
• How does censoring information ensure informed consent?
• How can an organization or agency provide contradictory information that is trustworthy?
• Why do countries with less restrictions and no mandates have less incidence of infection?
• Why is the legal, off-label use of FDA-approved medicines only restricted for COVID-19 treatment?
• Why aren’t regulatory guidelines being followed regarding risk to benefit?
• Why are human service agencies like the CDC and FDA giving medical advice?
• Why do COVID “vaccine” clinics lack reliable information on the safety and efficacy of the COVID shots?
• Why did the CDC make a misleading statement dissuading off-label prescriptions of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 on August 26, 2021?
• How many people were “fully vaccinated” against COVID and still got sick and/or died from it?
• Why did the FDA halt the use of monoclonal antibodies, citing that they don’t work, yet COVID shots are still being promoted?
• If pregnant women and others were not included in clinical trials: how can COVID shots be safe for them?
• Why is there a higher COVID mortality rate for individuals who have been injected with multiple mRNA injections?

Sources for Early Outpatient & Hospital Protocols

“A voice for private physicians…Protecting the
Patient-Physician Relationship.”
A source for COVID home-based treatment.

“America’s Premier Civil Liberties Organization. Fighting for Your Medical Freedom” A source for obtaining prescription medication (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Budesonide, and others) that works against COVID-19, treatment protocols, vaccine information, and other related information.

“Inhaled budesonide is a safe, generic, inexpensive prescription medication that is being successfully used to treat Covid-19, both for early treatment and in the hospital.” A source to find providers, scheduling a COVID coach, protection & prevention measures, and treatment methods for symptomatic or positive test results.

“Securing health freedom for all.” A source of a COVID-19 quick reference guide, information on masks, parental consent rights, and patient consent rights.

“Lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.” A source of early, hospital, and long haul treatment protocols; epidemiologic analysis of Ivermectin; COVID-recovered testimonials; and COVID-related TV interviews, news reports, podcasts, webinars, and lectures.

A source for free medical care and a listing of pharmacies by state where Ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloroquine is available.

“Your Independent Science-based Guide to Wellness, Diet, Beauty and Lifestyle” A source for COVID information, treatment protocols; and locating doctors who prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and use early outpatient treatment protocols.

A source for Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s protocols against COVID-19 (treatment and prophylaxis) and methods to “maximize your immune system now”. The goal: “try to keep patients out of hospitals.”

Informed Parents on Children Safety

“As parents, we are the best advocates for the health, safety, and happiness of our children. While it can be challenging and overwhelming to navigate the information and opinions shared about the novel Covid-19 vaccines, the choice is simple.”

“Covid-19 injections are not the same as traditional vaccines. Children around the world are being harmed by them. Your children have their whole life ahead of them and are not endangered by Covid. We ask that you consider the dangers of these injections. It is much safer to wait.”

“We urge parents to wait for irrefutable proof of safety (not what is offered as proof by the manufacturers, politicians, and corporate media); long-term safety data; and the truth to be told about the hasty and inadequate regulatory processes that led to the premature authorisation [sic] of these unsafe injections.”

“There’s a Better Way” cries the World Council For Health. “We believe in a better way forward for world health.” See their full safety report on the Covid-19 injections pharmacovigilance data existing on the World Health Organization (WHO) VigiAccess; the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS); the European Medicines Agency EudraVigilance, which is the European Database of Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction Reports; and the United Kingdom (UK) Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Yellow Card Reporting Site.  Review news on UK doctors calling for government investigations of mRNA Covid shots, information on a spike protein detox guide, their call for the immediate cessation to the Covid-19 experimental injections, and much more!

Information on the Real Science

Cureus image of article, the retraction of which the authors disagrees.

From Abstract: “Our understanding of COVID-19 vaccinations and their impact on health and mortality has evolved substantially since the first vaccine rollouts. Published reports from the original randomized phase 3 trials concluded that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms. In the interim, problems with the methods, execution, and reporting of these pivotal trials have emerged. Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders…” Read entire article

If time has not been used to form a professional and personal understanding of the COVID-19 situation, this site offers the science-based information required for a truthful perceptive. It explains why science exists; demonstrates that “COVID-19 policies are not based on real science”; identifies the medical establishment at fault; and reveals the “horrific consequences from getting off the Science path regarding COVID-19 policies”.

Regret After Taking the Experimental COVID Shots

“React19 is a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from longterm Covid-19 vaccine adverse events globally. Our mission is to bring healing to the moms, dads, friends, and loved ones who are facing life-altering side effects from their Covid-19 vaccine. We build bridges between patients and research institutions in order to develop a better understanding of our vaccine complications.”

Sources for Safety & Efficacy

Want to know the truth about the safety of the COVID-19 shots? This information cannot be censored. It analyzes data from the Center for Disease Control’s own vaccine reporting database, called the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). It provides a comparison of all vaccines–exposing a stark difference between the 23,149 COVID vax deaths and the combined 371 from all other VAERS-reported vaccine deaths since January 2021.

More alarming is that COVID-19 vax deaths have more than doubled the number of deaths from all vaccines combined since 1990. The number of adverse reactions for the COVID-19 vax is over 1 million.

Real-time analysis consisting of clinical studies and peer reviewed publications on the efficacy of medicines, vitamins, and supplements used in the early treatment of COVID-19 patients around the world. This information disputes claims that certain medications are not effective in treating COVID-19.

“Global Covid Summit is the product of an international alliance of doctors and scientists, committed to speaking truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment… Thousands have died from Covid as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment.”

***A must read on this site: “Before your child is injected, watch Dr. Robert Malone’s statement on child COVID vaccinations” by Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna shots.***

Informational Videos

The below verbiage is a direct quote from Rumble:
“U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson leads a roundtable discussion titled, ‘Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?’ where a panel of experts will expose the truth about COVID.

The speakers will expose how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups.

This discussion will also shine a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.”

“The truth about the COVID treatments has been censored, and renowned Dr. Peter A. McCullough efforts to save lives by setting the record straight.”

From Liberty Council WATCH: Mat Staver on Freedom Alive™

—The COVID Shot: Risk vs. Choice – Dr. Peter McCullough
28 February 2022 [28 minutes]

“All I can ask, is the viewers to share this. Tell your friends, I know this is long. This is a five hour long panel, and we didn’t even scratch the surface of what we need to discuss. This shouldn’t have been necessary. As our information grew, as we became better and better educated, less ignorant about the Coronavirus, COVID, the COVID vaccines, this should have been made public every step along the way. But it wasn’t. So again, I’m just asking the viewing public to have an open mind. Respect these individuals who have paid a significant price professionally, reputationally. These are highly qualified individuals. They speak from experience. We’ve got to fix this problem. We can’t let this continue. We can’t let it happen in the future…”

The Story of Ivermectin and COVID-19: “In the late 1960s, Satoshi Ōmura, a microbiologist at Tokyo’s Kitasako Institute, was hunting for new antibacterial compounds and started to collect thousands of soil samples from around Japan.” He discovered a bacterium, which was later used to create ivermectin, “a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19”.

contact@fullytreatable.orgFor general inquiries, comments, or feedback
supporter@fullytreatable.org For those willing to promote and support the cause by giving of their time, skills, talents and/or resources
testimony@fullytreatable.orgFor those who would like to share their personal testimonies overcoming COVID-19 or their challenges receiving treatment